Re: Idea for fixing newbie questions!

Peter von der Ahe (
Thu, 11 Apr 1996 01:05:33 +0200

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Ricker <> writes:

Chris> Okay, Everyone's getting tired of people asking questions like
Chris> "why does top give a floating point error ?" and other such
Chris> questions. It has been suggested that a file be added to the
Chris> 1.3.x distribution with a list of what utils newbies to the
Chris> series need to have to run them.


This sounds like a wonderfull idea, it is _really_ hard to figure out
how to get the latest libs'n'stuff. It was almost a secret where to
get the latest modules package (It may still be), there where no help
in the LSM, and the only hope (for me) was an archive for this mailing



BTW: I would like to help out maintaining such documentation.

(message "have I been writing to much elisp\?")

			  Peter von der Ahe
	   Ny Munkegade 101,1 tv, DK 8000  Aarhus C,Denmark
	   Phone: +45 8613 2634, E-mail: