> Why don't we break the modules/driver things into two layers?
> For things like sound drivers and lp drivers (which is my pet peeve with
> the module systems....I hate my printer re-initializing everytime I print
> a page), they can be broken into two parts (same for SCSI, serial ports,
> ethernet cards, etc).
This is good idea. However the problem is that breaking exixting drivers
to indepenndently loadable and unloadable parts is not easy. It's much
easier to get similar effect by using "persistent" data. The driver just
checks for previous settings every time it's reloaded. If such
information is present, the driver may skip some initialization steps.
Best regards,
Hannu Savolainen (hannu@voxware.pp.fi, hannu@4front-tech.com)
http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/voxware/hannu.html (my home page)
http://www.4Front-Tech.com/uss.html (UNIX Sound System (USS))
http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/voxware (USS Lite/TASD/VoxWare)