I would like a configurable option (in the section "better leave
these alone"?) which switches between the old/reliable codes, and the
officially correct ones.
I for one would chose for the officially correct ones, and would be
laughing about those stupid NT machines that I would case trouble for
this way :-) (they are not allowed to communicate with the host in
question anyway right?)
-- ** Q: What's the difference between MicroSoft Windows and a virus? ** ** A: Apart from the fact that virusses are supported by their authors, ** ** use optimized, small code and usually perform well, none. ** ** EMail: R.E.Wolff@et.tudelft.nl * Tel +31-15-2783643 or +31-15-2137459 ** *** <a href="http://einstein.et.tudelft.nl/~wolff/">my own homepage</a> ***