Re: No, no no! (#define long int)
Thu, 11 Apr 1996 01:32:23 +0200

Ick. I'll go over this and try to clean up before the
general release. This C code was created by a FORTRAN to C
translator which was used mostly on Sun and various DSP

The: #define int long

is defensive programming against 16 bit compilers which
truncate long values which are valid in the LPC-10 code.

>> I'm not quite sure, but it seems to be working fine,
>> better than the last LPC which was doing math errors

If the original PARC LPC code (which remains in the program,
as it is a standard VAT and RTP compression mode) is generating
floating point errors, this indicates that your system is not
masking floating point exceptions and handling them by default.
The LPC code routinely generates floating underflows, which the
FPU should set to zero with no error indication. If you're
getting interrupts for this, your coprocessor support is
enabling interrupts most systems mask.

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