> I type 'uptime' and find these wonderful values:
> 12:24pm up 14:02, 2 users, load average: 26.43, 37.54, 38.97
> I've since cleaned-up the script so that this *won't* happen again, but it
> sure shows that stability is quite good under high loads. Most other
> OS's (and I'm not going to mention any names here!) would probably grind to
> a halt with sysloads of 30+ for 5 hours straight.
i just recently put my system through a real torture test to check the
i ran the following all concurrently:
2 "find / -name \*.c -exec /usr/bin/grep . '{}' > /dev/null';'"
104 md5's on a 30 meg file
compiled gcc (stage 3 compiler for c, c++, obj-c & fortran)
tarred & gzipped an 80 meg source directory
and the system was usable the whole hour it kept a load average over 50.
later that night i ran 1000 concurrent md5's while building gcc (same
config) and the next morning i had to kill off the remaining md5's so i
could use the system. but it did recover from a load average just over
255 (for about 4 hours) and i didn't have any processes die or anything.
in both cases, all my md5 processes matched, my gcc compile (when it
completed) was fine according to "make compare", & the directory i
tarred & gzipped was fine. oh, and most importantly, the system was
STILL stable.
simply put, linux is one HELL of an operating system.
PS: the above tests were on linux v1.3.83, IDE system with ppp up.
--- Why Linux? source code. POSIX. tcpip. job control. support from the authors. drivers for most hardware. because one terminal or process is never enough. forget the other O/Ss, i use Linux- the choice of a GNU generation.