The first two sites I just mentioned are usually *very* fast from an MCI
T1 here in New Jersey, but recently they are so slow they're not even
useable. Has anyone else noticed this?
Linus, it would be great if you could also get the new kernels uploaded
to other sites too. I'm sure there are many people on this list willing
to allocate an account and some space on a fast site here in the US and
: Crypto : UNIX : Beaver Creak : Tucson : NSA : C++ : Sense8 : DJGPP : Descent :
/+=\- --> finger | pgp -fka <-- . ? .Chaos. ? . :
3.14159 P-eye <-> Perfect Gamma Prime Collatz Numbers| . . ? . . :
[ 8D F1 7B F7 B1 3C 26 CB 3A C1 77 DB EA 20 75 F2 ] | Random? What's Random. :
: Prospero : Contact Series : FREE : ...swrite stalk aedit ...<gone>... : Info :