check it out --
I'm co-located on a mci ds3, so it should be a fast box..
- Jared
Laszlo Vecsey spewed:
> and are the only sites I know of that get
> the new v1.3 kernels quickly.. the rest seem to be updated within 24
> hours, and sunsite (which is mirrored by many) is far behind at .83
> instead of .87. It used to be worse.
> The first two sites I just mentioned are usually *very* fast from an MCI
> T1 here in New Jersey, but recently they are so slow they're not even
> useable. Has anyone else noticed this?
> Linus, it would be great if you could also get the new kernels uploaded
> to other sites too. I'm sure there are many people on this list willing
> to allocate an account and some space on a fast site here in the US and
> elsewhere.
> Thanks.
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