Linux-1.3.88 - Code Freeze

Linus Torvalds (
Sat, 13 Apr 1996 17:02:12 +0300 (EET DST)

Ok, I'm trying it again. A code freeze of Linux for the upcoming 2.0
release. The previous freeze thawed up a lot, and then we had the ppp
problems that only now seem to have been resolved, so that I can freeze

Anyway, Linux-1.3.88 is now available on and, and other mirrors will pick them up within hours
(admittedly not sunsite, but others have been discussed on this list).

1.3.88 fixes a few silly problems with 87 (the missing ACK thing and the
send side timer problems), and I have a few responses saying it's finally
ok. I hope it's ok for everybody now..

This kernel also has a few more spelling fixes, and a iso9660 filesystem

The code-freeze means that I once more enter "bug-fixes only" mode, and
don't even try to send me new features (I'd hate to fall for them ;-).
There are obviously things we could do better (write-side NFS caching
etc), but believe it or not, there is life after 2.0 too..

Ok, send me reports, and hopefully we have the worst network problems
behind us now..
