problems with .88

Erv Walter (edwalter@ewok.not.for.mail)
Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:59:18 -0500 (EST)

I am having some trouble with 1.3.88. First I compiled it on a friends
machine (like I have for all of the last 20 kernels without a problem) with
gcc 2.7.0. When I installed it on my computer, it worked fine except depmod
-a reported unresolved symbols in all of the modules. This has never
happened before. What is more is that manually insmoding any of the modules
worked without any problems. I don't know what was wrong here....

For the seconds problem.... Yesterday I installed gcc 2.7.2 with the new
binutils, libc, and libg++. I followed the instructions exactly and
everything appears to have worked. I compiled several programs without
error. On a whim, I decided to recompile 1.3.88 with my gcc 2.7.2. THe
compile went fine. When I booted this kernel, depmod still said unresolved
symbols for every module. In addition, when I try to insmod a module from
the gcc 2.7.2 compiled, I get the following errors that i didn't get from
the gcc 2.7.0 compile:

[root] -=#> insmod dummy.o
gcc2_compiled. undefined
Failed to load module! The symbols from kernel 1.3.88 don't match 1.3.88

Does anyone know what is wrong or how to fix it???

Please help me!

Erv Walter

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passages little.                                   -