Re: Unices are created equal, but ...

Brian Topping (
Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:28:00 -0700

In the future (and for anyone else that is thinking of crossposting
political flame-bait), please keep your opinions to yourself. Just as some
tasks do better with Perl and others are better suited to TCL, I am sure
the same could be said between FreeBSD and Linux. There is no "best",
there is only better suited for a particular application. That your
application is raw throughput has no meaning or weight with another's
application of more varied hardware support.

Regardless, if you feel though that these must be known for the greater
good of the free world, please do so in comp.os.*.flame and not in forums
where people are actually trying to get some work done.


At 4:11 PM 4/13/96, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
>Considering that you did not even pick the latest release versions of
>either OS (2.0.5 is close to a year old and 2.1.0-RELEASE has been out
>for 4 months), these results are not even germain and you have no
>excuse, except perhaps laziness, for not running these benchmarks on
>more recent releases.
>I could run benchmarks all day on aged Linux kernels, but what would
>that prove? My stupidity, perhaps, but nothing more.
> Jordan