Re: Unices are created equal, but ...
Ade Barkah (
Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:26:23 -0600 (MDT)
> > How's about maintaining competition, and working to make the respective
> > U**X clone better competitively. Competition helps keep each party
> > honest!!!
> Just to make a general point here, and *not* to continue the flame war,
> I think John's absolutely right. ...
> ... With the current situation, there is _significant_ motivation to
> not fall too far behind in contrast with the other group - sort of
> like two brothers growing up where one can run just a little faster
> than the other. ...
I basically agree, but speed is only one factor in the big picture.
Let's not get to the point that we sacrifice reliability just too
look good on someone's speed benchmark. I don't think we care to
have a very fast but equally buggy system.
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