Robert> With the 1.3.8[78] kernel, I'm no longer able to log in on my
Robert> console (I quickly get a login prompt) as any user other than
Robert> root. I tried upgrading my sysvinit to 2.60, with no luck.
Robert> Doubtless I'm missing something obvious, but I didn't find
Robert> anything in Documentation/Changes. Thoughts, anyone?
>>>>> "Taylor" == "Taylor C Carpenter" <> writes:
Taylor> I had the same problem and found no other solution than
Taylor> reinstalling. :( I haven't any useful response. If you do
Taylor> find a better way please tell me.
Taylor> -taylor cc
I had the same problem once, the problem was this:
I had been installing some tar file, and somehow the permission on /
it should have been
Try doing a 'chmod 755 /' as root.