Re: New sysvinit-2.60 ??!!??

Michael Riepe (
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 02:45:27 +0200

Harevy Fishman <> wrote:
> In <199604142133.OAA05760@redrock.lan> Kevin Buettner <> says
> > Just a guess.. When you tried this you were still running the old init,
> > right? You probably need to shut it down with the old shutdown command
> > and then when your system comes back up with the new init, you can use
> > the new shutdown. But this is only a guess. I haven't tried it yet.
> Can you do that? I did a handinstall per the README because I have a
> Slackware 3.0 system. When I tried to copy init over the old one, the
> system would not allow me to do that. I had to shut down, boot up using
> the maintenance floppies, replace init, and then reboot with the fixed
> disk installation.

You can't copy init to /sbin/init (Text file busy) unless you remove or
rename /sbin/init first. You can use new shutdown and old init
together, though; if init can't find /dev/initctl, it will use
/etc/initrunlvl (which is used by versions prior to 2.5x).

 Michael "Tired" Riepe <>
 "Beware the storm that gathers here!" (The Prophet's Song)