> Twenty years ago I wrote some checkers playing programs.
> First a primitive one that did reasonably well.
> Then a much more sophisticated one, with lots of tunable
> parameters, and let it play against itself many times, in
> order to optimize the parameters.
> In the end it had become much worse than the primitive program -
> the only thing it was good at, was beating other incarnations
> of itself.
> Tuning is dangerous.
Hah. Nice to have reinvented the wheel. I'm probably much younger
than you are, and did have the same experience with a five-in-a-row
playing program.
-- ** Q: What's the difference between MicroSoft Windows and a virus? ** ** A: Apart from the fact that virusses are supported by their authors, ** ** use optimized, small code and usually perform well, none. ** ** EMail: R.E.Wolff@et.tudelft.nl * Tel +31-15-2783643 or +31-15-2137459 ** *** <a href="http://einstein.et.tudelft.nl/~wolff/">my own homepage</a> ***