Re: version number?

James L. McGill (
Wed, 17 Apr 1996 13:37:04 +0000 (GMT)

Linus, you work harder than anybody else I know.

Your efforts make a lot of things possible for us
that would not be easy to accomplish without Linux,
or the community that built around it.

I see this mistake as something that (a) doesn't
matter and (b) anybody running a zero-day kernel
should know how to fix it, myself included. (In this
case, I really thought I had unpacked my source to the
wrong path or something, then got confused and put
my foot in my mouth, and broadcast. Shame on me :-)

I know how it feels to make a simple mistake and get
dozens or hundreds of criticisms from clients, but it
is generally for a "job". The fact that Linux is/has
always been a labour of love for you, as opposed to a
"job" should place you beyond criticism for anything
that you do with Linux. There are few people in the
world that would continue on a project at the level
you have shown, and there are just as few who can
produce the quality that you do.

Don't sweat it!


g-r-a-t-e-f-u-l-l-y---[   email:<>   ]---l-i-v-i-n-g
d-e-a-d-i-c-a-t-e-d---[ ]-----l-i-g-h-t
You can make it illegal, but you can't make it unpopular.

On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, Linus Torvalds wrote:

torvalds} torvalds} torvalds} On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, James L. McGill wrote: torvalds} > torvalds} > Is the version in the 1.3.90 Makefile 1.3.89, or did I screw up this time torvalds} > and should try again? torvalds} torvalds} Waahh! I admit it, I forgot to update the Makefile. You can all stop torvalds} mailbombing me now (I think I had 50 mails in the last few hours that torvalds} pointed this out to me). torvalds} torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} I will never again forget to update the Makefile. torvalds} torvalds} There, torvalds} torvalds} Linus torvalds}