Re: 16 MB -> 32 MB, a memory problem resolved!

William M. Perkins (
Wed, 17 Apr 1996 19:15:54 -0400 (EDT)

> On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Andrew E. Mileski wrote:
> > Linux needs to be able to
> > work with as many of these different variations as it can if it is to
> > be a successful operating system.
> Linux is ALREADY a successful operating system. Where have you been.
> Just teasing ;-)
> __
> William E. Roadcap mailto://
> TITUS Software
> Waynesboro, Va (USA)


You are absolutely right! Linux is indeed already a successful
operating system. But I want Linux to be more successful because it is
a stable and viable operating system on which to run the many possible
applications available now and in the future. It would be nice to run
native applications under Linux, rather than having to use a Windows or
Windows 95 emulator. This will happen if Linux is preceived as a
viable operationg system. The key word here is PRECEIVED.



William M. Perkins                       Internet -
The Greenwood                               or    -
Commodore is dead.  Long lives the Amiga!  (AmigaOS/Linux/NetBSD)