> Sorry for writeing this as root!!!
> running vmstat from procps v0.99a gives me this error:
> vmstat.c:215: failed assertion `*itot>*i1'
> IOT trap/Abort
> This happens with the original vmstat from the package and also
> after recompileing.
> libc 5.3.9, modules 1.3.69f, gcc 2.7.2, termcap v2.0.8,
> binutils, libg++
> ANY IDEAS ????
Are you sure that your running the 0.99a binary ? Do a 'which vmstat', and
see if it's where you expect, a whereis vmstat should tell you where all
the vmstat's are. You should look at ps, and top as well (ps with -u),
and make sure you've got the right one of those too.
> thnx
> Michael
> mibo@iddc.via.at
-- PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence again :( | initiated. / This space is intentionally left | blank, apart from this text ;-) \____________________________________