Re: Amazing what a little RTFM can do :>

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones (
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:31:30 +0100 (BST)

On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Steve Huston wrote:

> I did this, and the modem worked. So I got curious, and started poking
> around /usr/src/linux/drivers/block, read through README.ide, and found
> the line about adding 'hdd=cdrom'. Tried it and, whaddya know, I DO have
> a CD-ROM in my computer :)
> At first I had used hdc=cdrom, but I saw that it found nothing there, but
> did find it on hdd (For some reason, the drive came from the showroom as
> a slave, but since it worked I left it alone). I still get some error
> messages on bootup however:
> ...
> hda: WDC AC31200F, 1222MB w/64KB Cache, LBA, CHS=621/64/63, MaxMult=16
> hdd: FX001DE, ATAPI, CDROM drive
> ide1: secondary interface on irq 15
> ide0: primary interface on irq 14
> ...
> I imagine the error is because there is a hdd, but no hdc. Either way,
> my CDs mount, so I aon't gonna worry about it.
This actually brakes the standard, but .... you really should rejumper
the drive as the master. Also, FYI rember that the master has to be the
first drive on the ribbon (closest to the "controler"), so if/when you
add annother disk, or if you move the CD, make sure that the master is the
first the computer sees when it looks down the wire.

> Thanks all. I posted this to the kernel list in case someone else has a
> similar problem.

PGP key pass phrase forgotten,   \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence 
again :(                          |            initiated.
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                                |  blank, apart from this text ;-)