1.3.91 / apache 1.0.3

BearHeart / Bill Weinman (bearheart@bearnet.com)
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 23:13:56 -0500

I'm running apache 1.0.0 successfully on my 1.3.91 server (have been
since before I upgraded it from 1.2.13 some months ago), and I want to
upgrade apache to 1.0.3.

The new server compiled without error (using gcc 2.7.2 / libc 5.3.9)

(The old server was compiled a.out, and the new one of course is ELF.)

When I run it, it seems to work except that I get this in the
error log quite frequently:

[Thu Apr 18 22:12:18 1996] httpd: caught SIGSEGV, dumping core

I can't find any core file (I never have with linux, don't know
why yet).

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

| http://www.bearnet.com/ || http://www.weinman.com/wew/
| Author of The CGI Book -- http://www.cgibook.com/