Re: Some Serious 1.3.90 Issues, Again.

Gerard Roudier (
Sat, 20 Apr 1996 02:47:49 +0000 (GMT)


You have had a very interesting life, indeed!
Are you intending to write some book?
If you leave all the pages blank, I will be a good bye.


On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Simon Shapiro wrote:

> Let me take a moment to exlain:
> After over 20 years of Kernel internals, RDBMS design and other strange
> escapades, I finally had my share of the world's leading proceesor maker.
> The worst flaming I ever saw here is like a refreshing breath of air.
> At least you are compassionate about what you do.
> The level of support I observe here has to be yet matched by the software
> ``giants'' of the world.
> >From years of bad habits, I tend to play a little dumb when posting a
> question.
> I tend to try & identify with the user on one hand. On the other, I believe
> that a simple, factual description of the problem, sans theories helps
> diagnose a problem rapidly.
> In addition, these days I am so swamped with developing employment
> alternatives, continuing previous obligations to some very nice people at my
> last employment, the Debian master, the scsi problem, Postgres95 developmet,
> and many home responsibilities that I am not very good at diagnosing
> problems.
> > As to why Simon sees the problems, I don't know yet. Duh.
> Because Simon does not follw this mailing list closely enough, pays too
> little attention and probably has the most complex PC to run Linux this side
> of Venus.