Re: kernel hugitude

Seth Goldberg (
Tue, 23 Apr 1996 17:48:24 -0400

At 11:30 AM 4/23/96 +0200, you wrote:
>On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Ben Wing wrote:
>> A milestone has been reached -- kernel 1.3.94 (compressed even!) is now more
>> than twice as big as kernel 1.3.0.
>here are the statistics:
>Lines of C source: 532552
>Lines of C include: 106494
>Lines of Assembly: 41099
>Summary of Lines: 680145
>Characters of C source: 14436310
>Characters of C include: 3302483
>Characters of Assembly: 1057586
>Summary of Characters: 18796379
>Characters per Line: 27 <--- cool, couldnt be better
>680K lines ... gonna hit 1M lines soon? :))

You think that's BIG?? Are you nuts? I'm working with the Solaris 2.4
source code now -- and I cant even begin to estimate the number of lines :)
_ But I'll say that it's an order of magnitude more that that :)
