Re: Portuguese (BR) Keymap

Erik Fortune (
Tue, 23 Apr 1996 15:09:06 -0700

Am 23.Apr um 13:26 schrieb Andries Brouwer :
> Betreff: Re: Portuguese (BR) Keymap
> "Luis Felipe Balbinot" <> writes:
> : Is there any portuguese (brazilian) keymap for
> : Linux ? I'm using SlackWare 3.0 but they don't
> : have this file.
> Nobody has so far contributed a to me, so no,
> there is no portuguese keymap in the standard collection
> of keymaps. (But MiniLinux is rumoured to come with a
> portuguese keymap by default, you might find one there.)
> Using showkey, dumpkeys, loadkeys and maybe half an hour
> of fiddling (and reading the docs), you should be able to
> construct one yourself. I wouldn't mind getting a copy once
> you are satisfied, so that kbd-0.92 will have a proper

If you have XFree86 3.1.2D, you can use xkbcomp to compile a portuguese
keymap and xkbprint to print a picture of it (on a PostScript printer).
That should give you a decent starting point.

-- Erik

| Erik Fortune ( | American Dentist, 2th Floor. |
| SGI Globalization R&D | Teeth extracted by latest Methodists. |
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