I upgraded to termcap-2.0.8, per the suggestion in
Documentation/CHANGES, and now "console" and "linux"
terms cannot run vi. I get "termcap entry too long", and
vi comes up in single line mode. I tried downgrading back to
termcap-2.0.5, but that still does the same thing. It used
to work.
What was the fix, again?
-- Andrew C. Esh mailto:andrew_esh@cnt.com Computer Network Technology andrewes@mtn.org (finger for PGP key) 6500 Wedgwood Road 612.550.8000 (main) Maple Grove MN 55311 612.550.8229 (direct) http://www.cnt.com - CNT Inc. Home Page http://www.mtn.org/~andrewes - ACE Home Page