Re: Problems in 1.3.93

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones (
Sat, 27 Apr 1996 01:45:43 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 26 Apr 1996, Les Johnson wrote:

> Bryn Paul Arnold Jones <> writes:
> AT&T sold the Unix trademark to Novell, who in turn sold it to SCO.
> Just so you'll know where to send your large sums of money. :-)

Ok, I send my UNIX site licence to SCO, via AT&T and Novell ;)

> BTW, I was promoting Linux over Unixware to an independent developer,
> and he replied that Unixware, unlike Linux, had the support of a large
> corporation. "Really." sez I. "Which large corporation is that?"
> Duh.

Hmm, Linux is supported By '0000s ('00000s ?) on the internet for free,
you can buy the Red Hat distribution, and buy support from them too ...

> - Les Johnson
PS Can you tell I really like the Red Hat distribution ? I don't work
for them, just .... (though if they sent me big bucks ....)

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again :(                          |            initiated.
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                                |  blank, apart from this text ;-)