Re: [masq] Masq with kernel 1.3.98???

Graham Mitchell (
Mon, 6 May 1996 01:05:18 +0000

On 5 May 96 at 14:32, wrote:

> I recently upgraded my kernel from 1.2.13 to 1.3.92, luckily everything in
> masq still ran smoothly (FTP, etc...) Now I upgraded to 1.3.98 and nothing
> works anymore... It seems a little strange to me that IP Masquerading could
> go from working so well, to barely working at all. Could there be something
> which I compiled wrong in my kernel, I get "can't create socket" errors and
> the such. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've just upgraded too, and for some unknown, bizzare reason, FTP
works for me again!! WITHOUT PASV moed either....:)) IRC now works to
the point where I can get the servers motd, but the connection dies
with a ping?pong error. Netscape however, still doesnt work AT
ALL...:(( It just sits there, saying its contacted the host, and its
waiting for a reply. Ive checked my logs here, and there are no 'cant
create socket' errors at all.


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