Probably they meant that Linux' buffer cache is more efficient than
_caching disk controllers_ . Which is true. However, you still need to
have a decent amount of SRAM memory cache. Just don't put it on your
IDE controller :)
Email: Alain Lucien Knaff =
Tel.(work): (33) 76 61 52 68 =
Tel.(home): (33) 76 85 23 05 Appartement 310b =
(r=E9pondeur & minicom 3612) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3DO=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D/ =
11,rue G=E9n=E9ral Mangin.
Fax : (33) 76 61 52 52 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3DO=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D/ 3=
8100 Grenoble France.