I have a dual boot Linux 1.3.97 / Windows NT 3.51 installation
(ok, shame on me, but please don't start a flame war asking me why
I have WNT installed on my machine :-) )
I am quite happy since NTLDR.COM behaves nicely with respect to my
MBR and I can have lilo boot either linux or NT.
I would also like, however, to have access to the NTFS disk on
the system. Is this possible? Or, I should say, is somebody
working on that? I guess it's not a straightforward thing
and not many people want it in the first place...
-- Paolo Pierini: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Lab. LASA / Via Cervi, 201 / I-20090 Segrate (MI), ItalyTel: x39-2-2392-560 pierini@mi.infn.it http://hptesla.mi.infn.it/staff/pp.html