> Actually, it's an application issue. Modern /usr/include/utmp.h files
> already leave enough space for four character ut_id fields, and "ttyC10"
> only requires a three character ut_id field (i.e., "C10")
> The problem is that there are some old programs which still assume that
> a two character ut_id field. Fortunately, this is fixable with source
Some?? When I first ran into this, I found the problem deeply rooted in
the way the libc functions dealt with umtp. I tried hacking libc to fix
it, but eventually gave up and just renamed my tty's. What libc version
do you need for extented ut_id's and where do you get the new
/usr/include files? I'd hope they come with the new libc.
I know my libc 4.7.4 systems are ancient...one day I'll upgrade.
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