Re: Linux logo

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Johan Myr=E9en?= (
Mon, 6 May 1996 14:39:47 +0300 (EET DST)

> > > > Does anyone with a fireproof vest and a good drawing hand want to
> > hmm. i don't think FreeBSD is the "adversary" here, but Windows 95
> > certainly is. how about a penguin smashing in a window or something?
> how about the penguin knocking down and standing on the old Win 3.1 splash

I don't think the Logo should attack *any* operating system, not BSD nor
Windows. As somebody said already: If Linux is so great, why are we attacking
BSD? And if Windows is such a pile of crap, why would we even care to mention
it? Let Linux stand out on its own merits. Action speaks louder than words.

My vote goes for a simple, professionally done and easily recognizable
symbol. (I know, it isn't easy.) Isn't that what a logo is all about, a
simple symbol done with style, which immediately makes the viewer think of
the product it symbolizes?

Johan Myreen

Ps. Ray-traced pictures are getting *boring*, IMHO...