Dear kernel programmer,
while writing some shell script (bash) I dicovered a bug in some of
/proc/sys/kernel/* files. Some of these files have a null character
followed by a newline in them like "...\0\n". I think this should be
reversed as in "...\n\0" or leave out null character completely
Difficults arise when you try to read a value with a bash command...
read RELEASE </proc/sys/kernel/osrelease
but bash (version 1.14.4) assigns an empty value to RELEASE.
You may try this yourself...
for i in /proc/sys/kernel/*; do echo $i:; od -c $i; done
in bash. Here is what I'll get (stripped down, edited and commented).
( n o n e ) \0 \n
k o p p e n a s \0 \n
1 . 3 . 9 9 \0 \n
L i n u x \0 \n
# 1 3 T h u M a y 9 0 8
: 4 3 : 0 5 M E T D S T 1
9 9 6 \0 \n
IMHO this is not a feature - it a bug!
- - - Andreas
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-- Andreas Koppenhoefer, Student der Universitaet Stuttgart, BR Deutschland <>, <> Franz-Schubert-Str. 2, 97616 Bad Neustadt, Germany, +49 9771 7943 (9-21h MEZ)