Yes. Please DO ask your mother. - _Anything_ is better than that dumb logo
from the Linux Journal...
+> I just got the latest issue of Linux Journal today. In it they announce
+> that they have come up with their own Linux logo to place at the bottom
+> of ads for products that work with Linux (like SCO, Novell etc. do).
+> It is a simple purple and white logo that looks a bit like this:
+> C O O L <- big font white on purple
+> it works with <- small italics purple on white
+> L I N U X <- big font white on purple
+> They provide a license to use the logo for a $1.00 per year fee. They
+> say they require a license fee to "secure a valid legal agreement".
Interesting. Who said, they may claim anything about a "legal agreement" ?
BTW: It's B*O*R*I*N*G !!!!!!!
+> Look at for a GIF or
+> postscript version.
+> Personally I like the nice simple logo for use in alerting ad readers
+> that Linux is supported. It looks right at home with all the other
+> company "works with" logos.
Well, that's exactly THE reason, to use THEIR logo NOT. - I assume we all
dislike being set to the same level as Murkel$oft, or ???
I'd like much more a logo, which is a bit funny. :-)))))
+> Ken Jordan
Herbert Wengatz,82049 Pullach |Disclaim: This Mail is my own opinion,
Office |not that of my company. *** | oo-) (new & improved !!!!!!) m_/
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