You should set it to:
ipfwadm -I -a acc -b -W ppp0 -P tcp -S a.b.c.d/32 -D 80
where a.b.c.d is you IP address.
Because the port of the connecting machine is choosen randonmly (unless
selected by an explicit bind() call) you don't knowe the port number of
the source address. Obviously it can't be 80 if a HTTP server is running
on this machine too.
> now ipfwadm -I -l says:
> ...
> acc tcp anywhere anywhere www -> www
> acc udp anywhere anywhere www -> www
That's right. You allow connection fropm port 80 (source) to port (80)
destination. But not from an arbitrary port (source) to port
> And yet I can't get my browser to work, why??? A side note, I also
> tried accepting on port 53, just to check to see if it was a nameserver
> problem in netscape. Thanks in advance for you help.
> ---russ
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