I don't know exactly the reasons behind .config/defconfig both existing,
but I think that defconfig shouldn't be altered ever, and that .config
should be copied to defconfig at a late stage of "make vmlinux" (or some
other target that is done when building vmlinux). Oh well proberbly won't
happen, just my opinion.
> I also don't know why you would want to run "make mrproper" before
> compiling a new kernel. "make clean" should be sufficient. (In theory,
> "touch config.h" should be sufficient.) If not, that's a bug in the
> Makefiles.
"make clean" is sufficient, if the patch dosn't change the dependancies (ie
create new files/delete existing files), other wise a "make dep" is needed.
> Matthias Urlichs
-- PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence again :( | initiated. / This space is intentionally left | blank, apart from this text ;-) \____________________________________