Re: Read from CD-Rom -> crash

emoenke (
Thu, 30 May 1996 00:03:31 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi Eric Youngdale,

> I think I see the problem. The scsi specifications state that
>when you use the READ_CAPACITY command, the last sector returned could be
>in the transition area between the data and something else which isn't
>guaranteeed to be readable.
> Could you show me exactly what the error messages are that you
>are getting?

Well, "my" problem (since about 1.2.5 the system stopped if the SCSI
drive reached end-of-medium during "dd") is gone now (not only with
1.99.9, but already with 1.99.8, maybe much earlier, but maybe not:
I changed from AHA-1542 to AHA-2940 a while ago).

If "my case" is still of interest, I can try to revert the system to,
say, 1.2.13, borrow an AHA-1542 and try to hang it again...

Cheers -e

Eberhard Moenkeberg                                GGG   W   W  DDDD    GGG
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