[huge snip]
> Not much else I can think of, we should try to get a free license to include
> the interperter in the kernel (of course only if Linus likes this and it
> would increase the size of things and it would have to be optional....) or
> maybe a module (I LOVE MODULES!) instead of the workaround we have now.
> That would make it easier for interpertation for each machine through the
> OS possibly. I dunno.
Dude, do you see a C compiler in the kernel? How about C++ ?
Fortran? Ada? Pascal? BASIC? Any programming language at all?
Compilation or interpretation of a programming language is a user-space
thing - it does NOT belong in the kernel.
The kernel is for funky things like hardware drivers, handling the
multitasking, etc.
-- Matt
,---------------------------.\|/ ____ \|/ /\ ___________
| -* Mostly Harmless ! *- | @~/ ,. \~@ / \/\ ,'Don't Panic|
`--------------------------(_/_( \__/ )_\ __ /`/ / \ `.___________|
matt@blitzen.canberra.edu.au----\__U_/-----' `--------------------||-----
PS: not bad for an amateur ;)