> HOWEVER, in the unlikely case that there are still problems, I'd like to hear
> about them. We may not be able to fix all the problems in the world in the last
> day or two of 2.0 development, but at least we can try. So consider it your
> civic duty to bother enough that you try this out, ok?
just a couple of aethetic notes about the configure.
when asking for help about CONFIG_IP_FORWARD, it says "you'll need to
enable IP firewalling below", but the firewalling stuff is above now :)
the other one was that when i got to the non-SCSI cdroms, even tho it was
a clean build it was claiming each device was (NEW).
--- Why Linux? source code. POSIX. tcpip. job control. support from the authors. drivers for most hardware. because one terminal or process is never enough. forget the other O/Ss, i use Linux- the choice of a gnu generation.