Personally, I hope it is 80% Linux, and 20% other ;-) The recent,
unquestionable shift in the contents of the "Operating System" shelves
at the Barnes&Nobel I go to would indicate this hope is well on its way
to being realized!
Mark E. Levitt wrote:
> On 6 Jun 1996, Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
> >
> > I think you didn't understand Linus. He only said, that there is
> > already everything you need to write fast games using
> > DirectVideo(). As did Alan as he showed the MITSHM stuff (which is
> > decent, BTW. ;-) ).
> Well, then I stand (sit actually) corrected.
> I hope your right about Linux and a 20% market share!
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Mark E. Levitt
> Department of Speech Communication, Syracuse University
> E-mail:
> Home Page:
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> ____________________________________________________________________
---- Cheers, --ldl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LD Landis ldl@HealthPartners.Com N0YRQ Voice 612/883-5511 Fax 612/883-6363 HealthPartners, 8100 34th Avenue So, PO Box 1309, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1309 Shape your life not from your memories, but from your hopes. (Borrowed) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------