> Ok, I took the plunge, and Linux-2.0 is out there on the normal sites. I even
> got the energy to write some inane announcement about it on cola, so it's too
> late to chicken out any more.
Congrats. I believe I was actually having the PKRS
(PreKernelReleaseSyndrome) for a while now and have not flamed a whole
lot of clueless newbies on Linux-IL for a week. It was fun downloading
2.0 - I started the ftp when ftp.funet.fi v2.0 directory had 344KB of
linux-2.0.tar.gz in it - probably following your upload pointer by about
200KB most of the time... Fun...
> taking a VACATION!
Don't forget them Herings...
---MAV (finger for PGP signature block)
Marc A. Volovic (marc@cs.huji.ac.il) Linguists do it cunningly