Not really a good idea : Let's say you have IDE and SCSI disks:
/dev/hda, /dev/hdb, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
With your system, you'd have:
/dev/hda -> /dev/diska
/dev/hdb -> /dev/diskb
/dev/sda -> /dev/diskc
/dev/sdb -> /dev/diskd
Now one IDE disk is crashed and you remove it. Thus /dev/hdb no longer
exists, and you get this mapping:
/dev/hda -> /dev/diska
/dev/sda -> /dev/diskb
/dev/sdc -> /dev/diskc
So now your /etc/fstab will mount the wrong partitions...
Well, for that matter if you remove the first IDE disk in the current
setup you'll screw up your partitions, too. Maybe we need to go to a
system like what Solaris uses, where the controller type, controller
number, disk/target number, and partition number are all encoded into
the name.
-- Robert Krawitz <> of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail Tall Clubs International -- or 1-800-521-2512