Re: mount

Steven N. Hirsch (
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 22:30:32 -0400

Dan Bjarno wrote:
> In a much earlier Linux-release I used to have (Yggdrasil, I think), "mount"
> didnt have to be told what fs-type it was to mount:
> When typing the command "mount /dev/hda2 /mnt", mount itself figured out
> what type of fs /dev/hda1 was initialized with.
> In my present Slack-release, "mount" has to be told with the "-t<fs>" option, .
> Is there any (good) reason why the auto-probing has disappeared ?
> *********************************
> * *
> * :) Dan Bjarno, SeK :) *
> * *
> *********************************

I think you misunderstand why the older system didn't require switches. It wasn't
"autoprobing" at all; the fstab likely had entries for the target filesystems that
provided necessary parms. If you include the "noauto" token in fstab it will not
automount on boot but a manually-entered mount command can pick up its options

- Steve

|Steven N. Hirsch	"Anything worth doing is worth     |
|University of Vermont	 overdoing.." - Hunter S. Thompson |
|Computer Science / EE                                     |