Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
I have tried every combination of IRQ/DMA setting I can think of, and I
still get the above message. I think it used to work with older kernels
(I haven't used the sound card in a while), and it works fine under
MS-DOS (I tried the settings I use under DOS first).
I have a Intel Triton motherboard with a Pentium 100. I don't have an
Adaptec 1542 (the HOWTOs and READMEs say there are problems with these).
the only other card in the computer (other than video) is a Linksys
NE2000 compatible ethernet card. I have tried with the PAS16 SCSI
configured and without, and with and without the NE2000 driver. This is
all on a RedHat 3.0.3 system upgraded using the packages at RedHat's
-- Chris Adams ( "So, if anybody wants to have hardware sent to them: don't call me, but instead write your own unix operating system. It has worked every time for me." - Linus Torvalds, author of Linux (Unix-like) OS