Re: Boot messages (Was: Re: Ideas for v2.1) (fwd)
Shinanyaku (
Mon, 24 Jun 1996 16:12:49 -0400 (EDT)
Matthew Kramer was heard saying ....
> Well John, I tried your logo, and it worked. But I have ones major
> complaint.... Linux jsut boots too damned fast. You know, with Win95 I
> can sit and appreciate their color cycling, but nooo.... not in Linux.
> It's all over in the blink of an eye. :) Just kiddin ya, I really like
> it. Would be nice if Linux could be kept in that graphics mode, though,
> but that's a wasteful suggestion for just a boot logo. :)
I coulnd't get it to work. The only effect I saw was the normal boot
messages being shifted right about 1/2 screen. I assume there was
suppose to be a logo in the left, but I just didn't see it.
Not that I'm complaining, but my VGA is standard (if not old), an old
Diamond Speedstar+. Oh well, ....
Another Mailing List personality of Nicholas J. Leon
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