Re: proc delays
Malcolm Beattie (
9 Jul 1996 09:28:13 GMT
In article <>,
System Development <> wrote:
>I have noticed that several of the network status tools will hang in mid
>report. For instance, route will often pause during its table printout.
>ipfwadm -M -l or ipfwadm -F -l will do the same. The pauses are either
>temporary or indefinite. They occur at random times in the printout.
>There are no error messages from the console or syslog. Whats going on???
By default, most network tools map IP numbers to names for you and
that takes time. Use "-n" to suppress this behaviour.
Malcolm Beattie <>
Oxford University Computing Services
"Widget. It's got a widget. A lovely widget. A widget it has got." --Jack Dee