Re: Sound driver and xquake problem
Troy J Ryan (
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 07:04:26 -0400 (EDT)
> > After reading a post about the Linux Quake release, I downloaded the
> > software and ran it on a 2.0.3 kernel. The sound failed and crashed the
> > program with a floating point exeption.
> > I rebooted my system with 1.3.80 and ran xquake. Sound!
> I have sound under xquake and xf86quake with 2.0.0, the sound under xf86quake
> is the shits, but no crashes though. I'm also using SB16.
> Cheers,
> -P.
> --
> Pete Hurd
> Zoologiska Institutionen Ph# 46-8-16-40-37
> Stockholms Universitetet Fax 46-8-16-77-15
> Stockholm S-106 91 Sweden
I gave 2.0.0 a test. Man, dig that crazy sound.