3Com 509 Driver - Syslog "discard packet"

Rick Cook (cook@lvs-emh.lvs.loral.com)
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 19:57:26 -0500


I am running Linux configured:

Linux Slackware 3.0 Distribution
Kernel: 2.0.0
Procps: 0.99a
Libc: 5.2.18
Gcc: 2.7.2
Ppp: 2.2.0f
httpd: 1.5.1
netatalk: 1.3.3
inn: 1.4.4

I am getting the following kernel errors in syslog:

Jul 9 09:58:34 swnews kernel: ^IWaiting for 3c509 to discard packet, status
Jul 9 09:58:35 swnews last message repeated 93 times
Jul 9 10:03:41 swnews kernel: ^IWaiting for 3c509 to discard packet, status
Jul 9 10:03:43 swnews last message repeated 76 times

I found the error message in /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/3c509.c, but haven't
the 3c509 card documentation necessary to track down what a status 2001 means.

Any suggestions?



Work:	cook@lvs-emh.lvs.loral.com
Home:	cookrick@cyberramp.net