Jul 13 10:09:55 obi-wan kernel: Lost timer or fin packet in tcp_fin.CMP
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Jul 13 11:00:07 obi-wan kernel: Lost timer or fin packet in tcp_fin.88
status 2004 Tx FIFO room 1072.
Jul 13 16:22:08 obi-wan kernel: Lost timer or fin packet in tcp_fin.CMP
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Jul 13 20:20:05 obi-wan kernel: Lost timer or fin packet in tcp_fin.CMP
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What's with the merged messages? I don't think it's any type of file
locking problem...cause I log _everything_ to /var/adm/paranoia, and the
messages there look good except for right after the Lost timer messages.
Other boxes I have running 2.0.4 (also a.out with libc 4.7.6) seem to
have no such logging anomolies.
It gets much worse. Right after the 1st 2nd and 4th of these Lost timer
messages, I got very nearly the full bootup messages all with exactly the
same time stamp as the Lost timer message. The 3rd one only had a few
lines from the bootup messages. The system hasn't rebooted though...it
still says it's been up 4 days.
This is with 2.0.4, compiled with gcc 2.6.3 -fno_strength_reduce, running
all a.out with libc 4.7.6.
Jon Lewis | Mime attachments are OK
jlewis@inorganic5.fdt.net | But please ask before sending
http://inorganic5.fdt.net | unsolicited huge files.
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