Login Messages

Andrew B. Cramer (cramer@ripco.com)
Sun, 14 Jul 1996 05:16:39 -0500

>Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 21:34:17 -0500
>To: linux-net@vger.rutgers.edu
>From: "Andrew B. Cramer" <cramer@pop.ripco.com>
>Subject: Login Messages
> I can't find the file(s) responsable for the initial 'telnet'
connection infomation messages.
> I 'telnet' into my Linux 2.0.0 box and get the following:
> Linux 2.0.0 (falconserv.falconweb.com) (ttypX)
> I would like to have a message after that. Something saying who we
are and who can login. I use the 'motd' after they have logged in, but I
want something before they login. Any thoughts would be appreciated. - Andy
+----------------- cramer@ripco.com ------------------+
| Andrew B. Cramer |