> >> > the real score is *drumroll*: 2921 Yes and 229 No.
> >> > Yes, that's 92% against 8% :-)
> >>
> >> However it doesnt alter the fact people have been making multiple votes and
> >> the like (both for and against). Don't count the vote as of any big value.
> >
> >They probably sorted out all the double, tripple and quad votes....
> The quickpoll.dat file doesn't contain enough information to sort out
> these alleged double, tripple and quad votes. Most importantly, it
> lacks the hostname where these originated from. Just looking at the
> string of yes and no votes is not enough. If you have ten times more
> yes votes than no votes, there is a 100% certainty that there is at
> least one string of 9 yes votes in a row, and there is a very high
> probability that there are many of these long "yes" strings. It's
> basic number theory and statistics, just think about it.
But it is highly improbable that there be a large portions (50+ ? 100+ ?
500+ ?) of the yes vote in uninterupted blocks
> Alain
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