-- Jared Mauch wrote:
> Works for me:
> lunar:~> make test
> cc test.c -o test
> ./test
> lunar:~> ./test
> Floating exception (core dumped)
> lunar:~> file core
> core: ELF 32-bit LSB core file i386 (386 and up) Version 1
> lunar:~> cat test.c
> main()
> {
> printf("%d\n", 0/0);
> }
> lunar:~>
No -- `file` used to give the name of the prog. that dumped
the core file. Since the switchover to elf, it's output was changed
to the garbage^h^h^h^h^h^h^h useless info line you see above. This has
been irritating me for a long time -- I would *love* to see the old
functionality put back in.
ps - As for gdb, I could tell you more if I could get it to compile
on the sparc/solaris machine at work(at least then I could
use it -- guess I'll stick with printf for now...).
FAQ Suggestions:
Q: I upgraded without reading release notes, now my system's broke -
A: What the @!#* did you expect?
(this assumes that someone reads the faq, of course ;)