> I have at least one CDROM (I was too lazy to test more) that worked with
> kernel 2.0.8 but not with 2.0.9, which reported "Unable to identify CD-ROM
> format." I suspect that the patch to isofs/inode.c was incorrect.
> FYI, the CDROM is "Official" Red Hat Linux 3.0.3 Disk 2; AFAIK, it's normal
> (singlesession, etc.) except for having Rock Ridge extensions.
No problems with that CDROM or any others I have tried here with 2.0.9.
Bob Nielsen Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ AMPRnet: w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org
AX.25: w6swe@wb7tls.az.usa.noam